Girls Jazz+


Participants in our Girls Jazz+ are placed in either the Girls Jazz+ junior or senior group, depending on their playing level and experience. They explore a range of jazz repertoire and learn the art of improvisation in weekly 2-hour rehearsals, and are given the opportunity to perform at various community events and concerts.


Girls Jazz+

Ages 12 and up

2 hours on Thursdays, 4:30  – 6:30 pm, during term time




It is a requirement of our funding that our participants are ACT residents. However, non-ACT residents can apply, understanding that placement preference is given to ACT residents.

Girls Jazz+ participants are strongly encouraged to take individual lessons on their instrument while participating in the program. All applicants, regardless of ability or previous experience, can be admitted to this program, however enrolment is subject to the availability of an appropriate ensemble.

Girls Jazz+ is open to women and gender diverse musicians.



How To Apply

We are currently taking applications for our Girls Jazz+ program. To apply, please fill out the following application form: Application to the Community Music Centre 2024

We enrol our main round of participants at the start of each year; however, we are happy to accept applications all year round. Applicants who apply after our main round of streaming interviews will be placed on a waiting list and contacted for an interview should a place become available. We will often review our waiting list prior to the commencement of our Semester 2 programs.



Streaming Interviews

Applicants applying to join Girls Jazz+ are required to prepare and upload a video file or unlisted YouTube video link. Video submissions should be submitted using the below link by 5:00 pm on Monday 18 December.

Upload your video submission here: Video submission link

Instructions on how to upload an unlisted YouTube link can be found here: unlisted YouTube instructional video

Videos must be titled with the applicants' full name and instrument, and in the recording the applicant will:

  • introduce themselves with their name and age
  • play 1 – 2 major scales if known (please don’t worry if this is not a possibility, leave out if not known)
  • introduce the name and composer of their chosen piece and then play the piece

Percussionists/drummers applying for Girls Jazz+ should play rudiments/rhythm patterns in place of scales.

Please note that the chosen piece can be played solo or with accompaniment and it can be in any musical style (it doesn’t have to be jazz). Choose a piece that you enjoy and best demonstrates your ability; no stylistic requirements are needed.

If applicants are doing a streaming interview for more than one instrument, they will need to prepare a separate video for each instrument.




program Fee per semester
Girls Jazz+ $150

Fees can be paid here through the ANU's OneStop Secure Payment Portal.

Fees can be waived for current pension or healthcare card holders or anyone experiencing financial difficulties. If you would like to waive the fees for this program, please email us at



2024  Dates

Semester 1

Term 1: Friday 9 February – Thursday 28 March (7 weeks)

Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 14 June (7 weeks)

Mid-year Jazz Concert: Tuesday 18 June


Semester 2

Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 20 September (9 weeks)

Term 4: Monday 14 October – Friday 15 November (5 weeks)

End of Year Jazz Concert: Tuesday 19 November



Updated:  12 March 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications