ANU Jazz Orchestra
Are you a jazz musician looking to play in the ANU Jazz Orchestra in 2025?
If you have experience playing in Big Bands this is for you. Open to all ANU students, this will be a flagship ensemble that plays big gigs and works with the finest at the ANU School of Music.
The ANU Jazz Orchestra rehearse Monday evenings 5.00 - 7.00PM in the Big Band Room.
Band Members who played with the Jazz Orchestra in 2024 do not need to re-audition, you will be contacted via email prior to the commencement of rehearsals to confirm your inclusion for 2025.
Audition dates
Applications (for new members only) for Semester 1 auditions close COB Monday 3 February 2025.
Auditions will be held during O-Week 2024, 10-14 February 2025.
Applicants are expected to be available for all times and will not receive an audition time until one week in advance.
If you have any queries, please email School of Music Administration.
Audition eligibility and requirements
Applications for new members only are open to all ANU students, including Alumni up to 5 years after graduating, plus musicians in the community, prioritising the 16 - 26 years age group.
Please read the ANU Jazz Orchestra Guidelines attached below prior to applying.
Applicants are to audition without piano accompaniment. All instruments will be asked to sight-read a short excerpt.
Please indicate (at the audition) if you are primarily a section player, or whether you also improvise. You are invited to do a short improvisation over a jazz blues in the concert pitch key of F (tempo 180bpm).
You may prepare either the Bb or Eb saxophone excerpts, as appropriate for your primary instrument. In your application, please indicate if you play additional saxophones (Alto, Tenor or Baritone). You may be asked to play an alternative horn depending on needs.
As well as the prepared excerpts you may be asked to perform the following rhythms (time keeping and some improvisation/variations):
Jazz waltz, mambo or songo, bossa nova &/or funk.
You may be asked to comp the chords from the excerpt in either a bebop, syncopated style, or a straight-ahead, 4-to-the-bar style.
Please indicate if you double on upright as well as electric. You may audition on either.
Audition excerpts
The audition excerpts can be downloaded below.
Applicants must prepare the provided excerpts for their respective instrument.
File attachments
- ANU Jazz Orchestra Guidelines.pdf (PDF, 228.88 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - SAXOPHONES Bb.pdf (PDF, 194.71 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - SAXOPHONES Eb.pdf (PDF, 202.04 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - TROMBONE.pdf (PDF, 182.89 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - TRUMPET.pdf (PDF, 191.25 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - PIANO.pdf (PDF, 155.45 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - DRUMS.pdf (PDF, 172.44 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - GUITAR.pdf (PDF, 154.51 KB)
- ANUJO Audition excerpts - BASS.pdf (PDF, 151.42 KB)