Girls Jazz+ Open Rehearsal
Date & time

Girls Jazz+ will be hosting an Open Rehearsal on Thursday 7 November! All are welcome to come along to this rehearsal, check out the program and groups, have a chat with the tutors, ask all the questions about Girls Jazz+ or otherwise, and even join in if you want to!
Girls Jazz+ is a jazz and improvisation ensemble program that runs on Thursdays during term time. It welcomes all young women and gender diverse people to connect and learn about jazz and improvisation in a safe and empowering space. The groups cater to a wide array of musical backgrounds, making space for those who are both new to jazz and improvisation as well as those more familiar with the genre.
Girls Jazz+ is currently coordinated by ANU graduate, CMC (previously Open School) alum, and local Canberran musical powerhouse, Sophie Edwards. More information about Girls Jazz+ can be found here: Girls Jazz+ program