Keyboard Collection - Acknowledgements

Without the support, generosity, and hard work of the following people, the ANU Keyboard Institute would not be the magnificent and vibrant archive that it is. Thanks from the ANU School of Music go to:
- Prof Geoffrey Lancaster – founder and inaugural director of the Institute
- Dr Erin Helyard – former director of the Institute
- Dr Mike Lee – former director of the Institute
- Mr Carey Beebe – instrument maker
- Mr Gavin Gostelow – keyboard technician
- Mr Chris Leslie – keyboard technician
And special thanks are given to the donors of these instruments, without whom this collection would not exist:
- Dr Andrew Nolan
- Ms Gillian Stone
- Mrs Marquis
- Ms Julie Bof
- Mr Cristian Fabricius
- Mr John Priddle
- Mr Stephen Yoemans, and the Yoemans Family
- Ms Margaret McDonald
- Mrs Jeanette and Mr Warwick Richmond
- Mr Barry Perez
- Mrs Elizabeth Walden, and the Walden family
- Mr Greg Oehm
- Mr Terry McGee
- Mr Christopher Davis
- Ms Anne O’Leary
- Pioneer Australia
- ArtSound FM