Scholarship Spotlight - Anna Davies
How did you feel when you heard the news?
Surprised and thrilled! I wasn’t actually aware I was in the running for this scholarship so it’s a very pleasant surprise.
[the scholarship] has made me feel appreciated and acknowledged for the hard work I have put in
How will your scholarship assist you/what will you use it for?
In these strange COVID-19 times where my employment has virtually disappeared overnight, it has provided me with a great deal of relief financially. I will be able to put more time and energy into my studies, as well as purchase well-needed books and consumables with more ease. I might even look at getting a nice set of headphones too.
What has being awarded the scholarship meant for you and your studies?
It has given me a boost in motivation, when studying at home is not at all the Honours experience I was hoping for. It has made me feel appreciated and acknowledged for the hard work I have put in thus far. I set myself very high standards, and this has made me grateful for that.
What role has the School and its donors played in being considered for scholarships?
The School of Music has been another home for me for over ten years now, and it’s an honour to be acknowledged in this way. It’s been a tricky route leading me to further study and I’m really grateful for the support of the staff at the School.