Seeing Jazz, Hearing Art concert - ANU Jazz Faculty with video projection

7_ ANU Jazz Faculty w video projection

Jazz has long had a sensorily evocative history through its traditions of capturing, reflecting and improvising. Join the ANU Friends of the School of Music as we channel this avant-garde spirit in our annual Jazz Concert program "Seeing Jazz, Hearing Art". In this video, a quintet formed from the School of Music jazz faculty - Hugh Barrett, keys, Brendan Clarke, bass, Mark Sutton, drums, Greg Stott, guitar and John Mackey, saxophone - improvise in real time to video projections (created by Joanna Leong from the School of Art), which in turn reacts to their playing, a true collaborative performance.

Updated:  21 December 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications